General Ticket Information

Ticketing/Processing Fees 
All tickets include a venue and/or facility fee and are subject to an online convenience fee. 

  • UIS Performing Arts Center Processing Fees 
    • Ticket pricing includes a $2 per ticket venue fee for concerts held at UIS Performing Arts Center and $.50 per ticket venue fee for concerts held at First Presbyterian Church in Springfield.
    • All season ticket orders made by phone, mail, or in person are subject to a $5 per order processing fee. 
    • $2.99 per ticket for all online or phone orders 
  • Center for the Performing Arts at Illinois State University Processing Fees
    • Ticket pricing includes a $2 per ticket venue fee for concerts held at ISU Center for the Performing Arts and no fee for concerts held at Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington.
    • All season ticket orders made by phone, mail, or in person are subject to a $5 per order processing fee.
    • There is a fee for all ticket orders placed online. Details listed below:
      • Symphony Orchestra and Pops concerts:
        • Price Level 1:  $4.00 / ticket
        • Price Level 2:  $4.00 / ticket
        • Price Level 3:  $3.00 / ticket
      • Chamber Orchestra concerts:  General Admission:  $3.00 / ticket
Refunds are given only in the event of a concert cancellation or date change. Ticket processing and handling fees are not refundable. All programs are subject to change. For all internet purchases, all sales are final - no refund or exchanges permitted. 
Ticket exchanges are only available to season ticket holders. Please call the ticket office for more information. Lost or misplaced tickets cannot be exchanged. 
Ticket Donations 
You may donate your tickets for resale 24 hours prior to the event if you are unable to attend. Tickets being donated should be returned to the Ticket Office and letters acknowledging your donation will be sent at a later date from the Symphony office. Please call the ticket office for more details. 

Lost or Misplaced Tickets
Call the Ticket Office to arrange for duplicate tickets to an event. Reissued tickets will be held at Will Call and cannot be mailed. Picture ID of ticket holder is required unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed to by the Ticket Office. In the event of duplicate seating, priority will be given to the holder of the reissued ticket. Reprinted tickets are subject to a per ticket printing fee.

Will Call
All ticket orders received within 10 days of a performance will be held at Will Call. Please arrive 30-45 minutes prior to concert start time to pick up tickets. Picture ID is required and tickets will only be released to the person who ordered the tickets unless other arrangements have been made with the Ticket Office.

Patrons who arrive after the performance has begun may be asked to wait until the late seating break or may be admitted to an observation area and seated at an appropriate break in the performance, as determined by the artist.

Please contact the Ticket Office in advance of the performance if you have special seating or accessibility needs. Any such services are NOT arranged until the ticket purchaser informs the Venue Ticket Office. All possible services may not be available for every performance and are contingent on availability at the venue.

Cameras and Recording Devices
Cameras and recording devices are not allowed in the auditorium. This includes cell phone cameras. Any exception to this policy must be worked out in advance with Symphony Staff and the venue House Manager.

Click here for venue and parking information for all of our four venues. 

Patron Privacy Statement

Please note that when you purchase a subscription or individual tickets to attend an Illinois Symphony Orchestra (ISO) or Illinois Chamber Orchestra event through the UIS Ticket Office (UIS) or the ISU Center for the Performing Arts (ISU CPA), UIS or ISU CPA will share your name, contact information, and seating information with the ISO. This will enable the ISO to contact you directly about information including but not limited to future concerts/events and other organizational efforts, including fundraising solicitation. UIS or ISU CPA will not share patron payment information such as credit card account numbers. If you have any questions or concerns about the sharing of this information, please contact the UIS Ticket Office at 217-206-6160 in Springfield or ISU CPA Ticket Office at 309-438-2535 in Normal.

Ticket Offices


ISU Center for the Performing Arts Ticket Office:  (309) 438-2535 or


UIS Ticket Office:  (217) 206-6160 or

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