Autumn Dinner Party

Kick off the 2023-2024 symphony season at the Autumn Dinner Party hosted by the Illinois Symphony Guild of Springfield! Mix and mingle with symphony guild members and staff from your Illinois Symphony Orchestra! Enjoy a delectable dinner followed by a season preview with Jacobsen Woollen, ISO Associate Conductor & ISYO Conductor and Trevor Orthmann, Executive Director.

Sunday, October 1, 2023 @ 5:00 PM
Island Bay Yacht Club (Outdoor Patio Seating) | 76 Yacht Club Drive, Springfield, IL  62712

$45 per person

  • 5:00 pm  Cash Bar opens
  • 6:00 pm  Buffet Dinner 
  • 7:00 pm  Season preview Jacobsen Woollen & Trevor Orthmann

Make your reservation today or by September 26, 2023! Reservations may be made online or by mailing in a check payable to the ISGS at P.O. Box 9641, Springfield, IL  62791-9641.

Springfield Venue Island Bay Yacht Club

76 Yacht Club Road, Springfield, IL 62712

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